27 Mar, 06 > 2 Apr, 06
20 Mar, 06 > 26 Mar, 06
13 Mar, 06 > 19 Mar, 06
20 Feb, 06 > 26 Feb, 06
16 Jan, 06 > 22 Jan, 06
10 Oct, 05 > 16 Oct, 05
12 Sep, 05 > 18 Sep, 05
29 Aug, 05 > 4 Sep, 05
22 Aug, 05 > 28 Aug, 05
1 Aug, 05 > 7 Aug, 05
25 Jul, 05 > 31 Jul, 05
18 Jul, 05 > 24 Jul, 05
11 Jul, 05 > 17 Jul, 05
4 Jul, 05 > 10 Jul, 05
27 Jun, 05 > 3 Jul, 05
20 Jun, 05 > 26 Jun, 05
13 Jun, 05 > 19 Jun, 05
6 Jun, 05 > 12 Jun, 05
30 May, 05 > 5 Jun, 05
Aldean Chronicles; The Forums
Monday, 27 March 2006
Official Artwork Preview
Topic: Official Art
Hey Everyone, Here is one official pictures for Aldean Chronicles: The Audio Drama. One picture is of Gabriel Argadon,come check them out! The artwork was done by Kewl_Girl, you can check her profile out at the official website, under "Meet The Staff"!
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 5:28 AM PST
Updated: Monday, 27 March 2006 5:37 AM PST
Friday, 24 March 2006
New Project - Guardian Apprentice; Anime Short Story Series/ Anime
Topic: Production News
Here's a new Idea for an Anime or Anime Short Story Series that Gabriel McKnight Productions will probably be working on in 2006/2007. If anyone would like to help with Production/Publishing, that would be most appreciative. The series will be a Romance/Comedy/Fantasy, and will focuse on themes such as Pure Christianization(Christian Ideals, beliefs and symbolism) and will focuse on other themes, such as redemption, salvation, spiritual battles, etc. Guardian Apprentice Synopsis: Kal Duran isn’t your average teenager. He’s half-Human, half-Aldean(Elf) and one of the few survivors of the legendary sunken Kingdom of Corinthia. In his night life, he’s a super powered crime fighter. In the daytime, he’s a first year Tokyo University student(foreign exchange student). However, he has a secret life at the same time, he’s an Guardian Apprentice(Guardians are warrior Angels, a secret sect within the Angels, who are dedicated Paladins/Mediators and peacekeepers throughout the universes and serve the Most High God without question), who travels around the universes with his Master, fighting, Demons, Youkai and anything that is a force for evil. While at Tokyo U( he has to attend Tokyo U, so he can finish college, then get that out of the way so he can begin the next phase of his training), he’s given an assignment by his Master, to protect an Japanese noblewomen(who is also attending Tokyo U) who’s soul( a soul with a potent amount of un-creational energy which is intertwined with the soul) was sealed in her body, which is coveted by Satan himself. Can Kal protect this Lady from Satan, at the same time, have an almost normal life at Tokyo University and keep his true identity and powers a secret from everyone around him? If anyone would like to help out with any aspect of production/publication, please let me know! Here is a list of possible characters for the series, besides the main one, Kal Duran. -Ari (pronounced Are-eye): An (Aldean) male fairie that travels with Kal and helps him on his quest. He can shapeshift, like most species and races on Aldea. In his human form, he has blue hair, and blue-white eyes, pale skin. At Tokyo University, he is Kal's roommate. -Kaede-sama: An Japanese noblewomen who is an advent swordsmen and follows the religion of shinto. Her soul is coveted by Satan and his Demons, because it is full of leftover un-creational energy, if in the wrong hands, can spread disaster and chaos. She moves into the co-ed dorm, in the neighboring room by Kal's, which is unknowingly connected by a shared bathroom. Kaede is assigned that room, becuase she is the Dean's daughter, and the Dean knows what Kal is. Kal is given an assignment to protect her from Demons by his Master; and is assigned by the Dean to protect his daughter and the school from evil, talk about a tough break! - Satan: Nothing needed to explain Him - Gabriel Argadon(Aldean Chronicles): Kal's Master, the Wandering Ranger; a former Ancient Guardian, now Guardian(Still a Seraphim though). Pops in to check on his apprentice every once in a while, gives Kal side quests while Kal is in school and training. -Professor Sou/ Sou-Sensei: A professor of Ancient History and Archeaology, Kal's mentor and friend. - Sarah Y'vansia: Tokyo U's foreign exchange student from Transalvania, who is a Witch and is half-Vampire. She is secretly in love with Kal, however, out of school, she's his arch-nemesis; who is trying to get Kal to recognize her and her love for him, by any means necessary. More characters to come!! Nightmare(To the world of Demons and Angels, he is known as Demon-Eater, becuase he is very ruthless in killing Demons and anything relating to Satan and his Dark Army) - Gabriel's son by his First wife. He's half-Aldean, half-Shi'ado. He served Satan for a time, but grew to hate Satan and left Satan's side. He now travels the World, and hunts down Demons and anything connected to Lucifer. Reading Aldean Lore since he was a child, he grew up adoring Lord Vahloren and is now trying to travel the same path that Vahloren had, serving himself. Humaniod / Demon Form Description: Almost shoulder length turquiose wavy hair. Dressed in black chain mail, black pants with a black warrior sash & boots, wears a black trench coat. He has green eyes and very pale skin(due to his Shi'ado lineage). Black feathery wings sprout out of his back when he is flying. When he is angry or in battle, he has red eyes/ cobolt blue eyes, sharp claws. He also has pointed ears. Personality: Chaotic Good, semi-neutral. He doesn't like Humans, is hateful towards anything remotely evil, cold heart like a Shi'ado, except warm towards his kin(i.e. family members).
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 6:35 AM PST
Wednesday, 15 March 2006
Gabriel McKnight Productions Newsletter
Topic: Production News
As the Second Season of Aldean Chronicles is winding down, and the series is at its end; here are two new Series that will connect to Aldean Chronicles. The two new series will include characters from Legends of Aldea and Aldean Chronicles, and continue the arch of both series. One of the new series, is Guardian Apprentice. The other is Aldean Chronicles: Legacy. Guardian Apprentice Synopsis: Kal Duran isn’t your average teenager. He’s half-Human, half-Aldean(Elf) and one of the few survivors of the legendary sunken Kingdom of Corinthia. In his night life, he’s a super powered crime fighter. In the daytime, he’s a first year Tokyo University student. However, he has a secret life at the same time, he’s an Guardian Apprentice(Guardians are warrior Angels, a secret sect within the Angels, who are dedicated Paladins/Mediators and peacekeepers throughout the universes and serve the Most High God without question), who travels around the universes with his Master, fighting, Demons, Youkai and anything that is a force for evil. While at Tokyo U( he has to attend Tokyo U, so he can finish college, then get that out of the way so he can begin the next phase of his training), he’s given an assignment by his Master, to protect an Japanese noblewomen(who is also attending Tokyo U) who’s soul( a soul with a potent amount of un-creational energy which is intertwined with the soul) was sealed in her body, which is coveted by Satan himself. Can Kal protect this Lady from Satan, at the same time, have an almost normal life at Tokyo University and keep his true identity and powers a secret from everyone around him? Aldean Chronicles: Legacy Synopsis: It has been a thousand years since the death of both Lady Ketral and Lord Vahloren. Earth is shrouded in darkness, the only light, comes from the Kingdom of Corinthia, and the young Aldean Prince, Gabriel Argadon; while Aldea, is separated into six different time periods and is in complete Chaos. Aidan Versari, the legendary mediator, must team up with a very odd and cocky lieutenant(Jace Pole) of the United Aldea Front, search for Ancient Guardian Jewels, Unite Aldea, ally with the Princess of Aldea(Sakura Durnmal) and free it from the clutches of the Dark Army. As the darkness closes around, will the Light shine? These two series, will begin Production/Publishing and air in 2006/2007.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 12:12 PM PST
Topic: General Discussions
Aldean Chronicles is still on haitius. The Character profiles have been updated! Gabriel's profile has been updated, up to Episode 43. Ayden Argadon's profile has finally been created, come check it out!
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 12:10 PM PST
Sunday, 19 February 2006
Production Woes, Aldean Chronicles On Haitius
Topic: General Discussions
I updated a few character's profiles. I will also add Ayden Argadon's profile, sometime in the next week or so. Production has stalled considerably, up to the point where Aldean Chronicles is officially on Haitius. There won't be any new episodes for the next month or so. Sorry fans! The Auditions for the Aldean Chronicles Audio Drama are still being held, audition if you think you have any talent in voice acting and want to voice one of your favorite characters. There are alot of characters left!
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 3:48 PM PST
Production Woes, Aldean Chronicles On Haitius
Topic: General Discussions
I updated a few character's profiles. I will also add Ayden Argadon's profile, sometime in the next week or so. Production has stalled considerably, up to the point where Aldean Chronicles is officially on Haitius. There won't be any new episodes for the next month or so. Sorry fans! The Auditions for the Aldean Chronicles Audio Drama are still being held, audition if you think you have any talent in voice acting and want to voice one of your favorite characters. There are alot of characters left!
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 3:44 PM PST
Production Woes, Aldean Chronicles On Haitius
Topic: General Discussions
I updated a few character's profiles. I will also add Ayden Argadon's profile, sometime in the next week or so. Production has stalled considerably, up to the point where Aldean Chronicles is officially on Haitius. There won't be any new episodes for the next month or so. Sorry fans! The Auditions for the Aldean Chronicles Audio Drama are still being held, audition if you think you have any talent in voice acting and want to voice one of your favorite characters. There are alot of characters left!
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 3:44 PM PST
Saturday, 21 January 2006
New Editor
Topic: General Discussions
Welcome to the Aldean Chronicles Creation Team, Kale! Kale is a member of CAA and has joined the ranks of the creation team as our brand new Editor, welcome to the team, Kale! Kale is a writer during his down time.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 10:52 AM PST
Wednesday, 18 January 2006
Farewell Kye Kiske
Topic: General Discussions
Hey Everyone, Our latest editor, Kye Kiske has left the production team. Help Wanted ads have been posted on CAA, if you are an editor and want the job, go to Chrisitan Anime Alliance.net Also to note, Volume 1 is now a downloadable file, not two. Seth's Theme composed by John Mathis is now available to download in the Musical Journey Of Aldea section of the website!
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 9:57 AM PST
Thursday, 13 October 2005
Vahloren's Profile And Other News
Topic: Production News
Hey Everyone, Production has started up again, as you already know. Vahloren's Profile has just been updated (updated to Episode 25). Episodes 36-40 are currently in production. The air date for Episodes 31-35 is October 27th.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 9:58 AM PDT
Sunday, 9 October 2005
Aldean Chronicles New Theme Song
Topic: Production News
My SongHey Everybody, Here's " The One Man Army's" Theme Song, composed and sung by John T. Mathis himself.Seth's theme is entitled Anger And Sorrow, it's a total attribute to him. Episode 28 is already airing, however, it will be appearing on Christian Anime Alliance, with Seth's theme downloadable, so come check it out! Also to note, we have a new Co-Author, called Japanaman, who is also a publisher. Aldean Chronicles is definitly lucky to have brand new Author, who has alot of experiance working on stories and magazines. Welcome to the Team, Japanaman!
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 1:09 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 9 October 2005 1:20 PM PDT
Wednesday, 14 September 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 25: Fellowship
Topic: Official Episodes
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 25: Fellowship This Episode, is the turning point in the series. In This Episode, Ayden is taken to the fabled Village of Shidow, where he is placed in the care of the Priestess there, Sakura of the House of Durnmal. While Ayden is slowly healing, Sakura tries to figure out who and what the Paladin is and what she should do with him. Will Sakura and Ayden forget their differences and band together in search of the Sorceress of Shadows? Find out what happens next in Aldean Chronicles - Episode 25...
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 7:21 PM PDT
Saturday, 3 September 2005
New Episodes Airing!
Topic: Production News
Hey Everybody! Episodes 26-30 have been finally uploaded. You can read them or download them in the Episodes section. Come check them out!
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 9:21 AM PDT
Thursday, 25 August 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 24: The Paladins Of Light
Topic: Official Episodes
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 24: The Paladins Of Light Ketral, the Sorceress of Shadows, uses Vahloren's third and final clone, Erasta, Vahloren's Demon Heart; to attack the Paladins of Light on the Carlkaveria Continent. Erasta kills the Paladins, all except for their leader, Ayden Argadon; the Ancient Guardian of Strength And Sight. As good clashes with evil, a battle rages between the young Paladin and Shi'ado Lord. Will Ayden somehow be able to defeat the clone of Vahloren and stop Ketral's plans for Aldea's future? Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 7. It's a good episode overall, however somewhat short. The plot is pretty good as well.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 12:14 PM PDT
Sunday, 31 July 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Volume 1
Topic: Production News
Volume 1 Production is basically done. Volume 1; Part 1 is now available to download on the official website. You can now order Aldean Chronicles - Volume 1 on CD-ROM. The CD-Rom includes Music, Artwork Galleries, The Updated Glossary and not to mention, tons of Promotion Videos and Character Videos.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 1:21 PM PDT
Tuesday, 26 July 2005
The Twin, Teya
Here is your first view one of the Twins, who appear in Episode 27, who also appears as a child in Episode 23. Teya
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 1:00 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 26 July 2005 1:03 PM PDT
Adult Sakura
Topic: Official Art
Here is the first look of the Adult version of Sakura, which you meet in Episode 24; The Paladins of Light. This artwork picture is by Fallon, great job Fallon!
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 12:55 PM PDT
Monday, 25 July 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 23: The Waning Years; Part 2
Topic: Official Episodes
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 23: The Waning Years; Part 2 In this Episode, The forces of the Aldeans surround Draconis's Imperial City, Draconia. Draconis, with his followers, leaves Aldea and gives Ketral and the Dark Army dominion over Aldea. Also in this Episode, Daine, the late vassal to Lord Vahloren is in search of Gabriel Argadon, in hopes that Gabriel will help him confront the awakened Lord Vahloren, who is being controlled by Ketral. Will Daine receive Gabriel's help in time, to stop the slaughters planned by Ketral? Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 9. It has really good plot and is somewhat a long episode.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 9:42 AM PDT
Wednesday, 20 July 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 23: The Waning Years; Part 1
Topic: Official Episodes
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 23: The Waning Years: Part 1 In This Episode, Draconis wields Bane in battle against the Aldean forces, who are encrouching into the last remanants of his Empire. Also in this Episode, Sakura rescues Tav from a hungry Dragon, because of her rescue, her soul is thrown out of her body and she dream walks. She is then able to see Demons and Angels around her, in a constant battle. She must find a way back into her body, or live the rest of her existance as a wandering soul. Will Sakura be able to find her way back into her body? Grade: On a scale of (1-10), I'd give this a 7. It is a short Episode with a real good plot line.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 8:03 AM PDT
Sunday, 10 July 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Ayden Argadon's Theme
Topic: General Discussions
Ayden Argadon's Theme has just been completed for the turnout of the new Episodes of Aldean Chronicles. You can download it here, it will be available on the Music Section of the new website. Aldean Chronicles - Ayden Argadon's Theme
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 11:03 AM PDT
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