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Aldean Chronicles; The Forums
Saturday, 11 June 2005
Episode 19; Part 1: The Redemption
Topic: Official Episodes
Episode 19; Part 1: The Redemption

Description: This Episode is definitely a plot twister. In this Episode, Gabriel encounters the tree that is guarding the village of Souls. While Gabriel is talking to the tree, Sakura and Lady Arien are assaulted by 5 Aldean Warriors, whom are controlled by their own dark hearts. Sakura tries to flee, watches Lady Arien taken away, and is saved by Gabriel. Will Gabriel be able to defeat the warriors and save Lady Arien?

Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 9. This Episode has very deep plot, not to mention, it gives little insight into Gabriel that hasn't been seen before.

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 10:04 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 11 June 2005 10:07 AM PDT

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