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Aldean Chronicles; The Forums
Thursday, 16 June 2005
Bane - Demonic Sword Of Power (Spoiler Alert)
Topic: Fan Art

Out of all the sword's in Aldean Chronicles, Bane is the most powerful. It can block and absorb energy attacks and send them right back at their owners. It can metamorphose into any shape or form which it's wielder wants (Draconis, Vahloren and Sakura).

The Magic Power of Bane is seemingly impossible. Not only it can block other people's attacks and change form and shape, it can also create powerful attacks to send at it's wielder's enemies, by drawing on the wielder's own demonic energies and using them to attack with the assailiants weakness.

Bane was forged from Draconis's own fangs, claws and scales when he was in his prime. If Vahloren forged his own sword (which he does in the Episodes after 30), how powerful do you think it will be?

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 7:25 PM PDT

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