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Aldean Chronicles; The Forums
Thursday, 25 August 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 24: The Paladins Of Light
Topic: Official Episodes
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 24: The Paladins Of Light

Ketral, the Sorceress of Shadows, uses Vahloren's third and final clone, Erasta, Vahloren's Demon Heart; to attack the Paladins of Light on the Carlkaveria Continent. Erasta kills the Paladins, all except for their leader, Ayden Argadon; the Ancient Guardian of Strength And Sight. As good clashes with evil, a battle rages between the young Paladin and Shi'ado Lord. Will Ayden somehow be able to defeat the clone of Vahloren and stop Ketral's plans for Aldea's future?

Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 7. It's a good episode overall, however somewhat short. The plot is pretty good as well.

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 12:14 PM PDT

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