3 Apr, 06 > 9 Apr, 06
27 Mar, 06 > 2 Apr, 06
20 Mar, 06 > 26 Mar, 06
20 Feb, 06 > 26 Feb, 06
23 Jan, 06 > 29 Jan, 06
17 Oct, 05 > 23 Oct, 05
10 Oct, 05 > 16 Oct, 05
19 Sep, 05 > 25 Sep, 05
5 Sep, 05 > 11 Sep, 05
29 Aug, 05 > 4 Sep, 05
1 Aug, 05 > 7 Aug, 05
25 Jul, 05 > 31 Jul, 05
11 Jul, 05 > 17 Jul, 05
4 Jul, 05 > 10 Jul, 05
27 Jun, 05 > 3 Jul, 05
20 Jun, 05 > 26 Jun, 05
13 Jun, 05 > 19 Jun, 05
6 Jun, 05 > 12 Jun, 05
Aldean Chronicles; The Forums
Saturday, 11 June 2005
Episode 19; Part 2: Sakura And The Cowardly King
Topic: Official Episodes
Episode 19; Part 2: Sakura And The Cowardly King This Episode is pretty thick, plot wise. Gabriel and Sakura travel to the Capitol City of the Kingdom of Merdia. They are besieged by it's citizens, all controlled by their dark hearts. Gabriel is carted off to a dungeon, where he meets up with Lady Arien. Sakura finds herself chained up on the roof of the Palace. She meets King Johanas, but sees through his masquerade and finds out that he is a Demon, one of the Ancient Demons of this world. Ketral appears and taunts Sakura, only to run when she senses that Gabriel is coming in their direction. Will Gabriel and Lady Arien find a way to save Sakura and battle the evil Demon? Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 10. It's a very good Episode. It does have a good plot line, not to mention, a good plot twist.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 10:05 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 11 June 2005 10:06 AM PDT
Episode 19; Part 1: The Redemption
Topic: Official Episodes
Episode 19; Part 1: The Redemption Description: This Episode is definitely a plot twister. In this Episode, Gabriel encounters the tree that is guarding the village of Souls. While Gabriel is talking to the tree, Sakura and Lady Arien are assaulted by 5 Aldean Warriors, whom are controlled by their own dark hearts. Sakura tries to flee, watches Lady Arien taken away, and is saved by Gabriel. Will Gabriel be able to defeat the warriors and save Lady Arien? Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 9. This Episode has very deep plot, not to mention, it gives little insight into Gabriel that hasn't been seen before.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 10:04 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 11 June 2005 10:07 AM PDT
Episode 18: The Dark Seductress And Sakura's Reverie
Topic: Official Episodes
Episode 18: The Dark Seductress And Sakura's Reverie Description: This Episode is an all out interesting one. Gabriel has joined with Sakura on her journey home. Sakura starts to sense something foreboding, while searching for Vahloren. Vahloren fights Ketral's control over him, manages to kill her, and then is flung into an enchanted sleep. Sakura senses Vahloren’s death, but is reassured by Gabriel that Vahloren isn't dead. Will Gabriel and Sakura find Vahloren? Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 9. It is a very good Episode plot wise; you get to understand the deeper personalities of the characters.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 10:03 AM PDT
Episode 17: Divine Providence And Shadowing Doubts
Topic: Official Episodes
Episode 17: Divine Providence And Shadowing Doubts Description: This Episode is an all out good one. in this Episode, Sakura and Lady Arien encounter an evil creature, who claims to be Vahloren's clone. Sakura and Lady Arien then battle the clone. The clone defeats Lady Arien and is about to sever Sakura's head, when Gabriel Argadon appears and battles with the clone. Meanwhile, Vahloren is chained up in Lady Ketral's dungeon, trying to resist her temptations and her failed attempts at possessing him. Will good Triumph over Evil? Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this Episode a 8 It's a pretty good story plot wise.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 10:02 AM PDT
Episode 16: Dark Alliance
Topic: Official Episodes
Episode 16: Dark Alliance Description: This Episode is pretty short all round. Ketral forges an alliance with Draconis (thus the title); meanwhile, Sakura is on her way home, traveling with Lady Arien. Lord Vahloren finds the jewel shard, but is entrapped by Lady Ketral. Will Vahloren find a way out of Lady Ketral's trap? Grade: One a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 6.5. It's an all out ok Episode, however, it is very short.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 10:00 AM PDT
Episode 15: Return Home, Sakura
Topic: Official Episodes
Episode 15: Return Home, Sakura This Episode is pretty dark. In this Episode, Draconis plots to harm Vahloren. Argus suggests that they kill Lady Arien, and harm Sakura. Draconis thinks it over and takes Argus's suggestions to account. He then has Argus contact the Dark Army. He sends for Sakura, has Lady Arien become her handmaiden, then sends Sakura home. Also in this Episode, Lady Ketral plots her revenge. She receives Draconis's response to forming an Alliance. She then plots on how she will get her revenge on both Sakura, (for getting in her way when she was trying to steal the Ancient Guardian Jewel of Dragon), and Lord Vahloren, for killing her and denying her. Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 8. It's an ok Episode, but short though. It does have a good plot line, not to mention, a good plot twist.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 9:59 AM PDT
Episode 14: Pain
Topic: Official Episodes
Episode 14: Pain Description: This Episode is definitely a plot twister. In this Episode, Vahloren is on the Island of Ilstradi, in search of an Ancient Guardian Jewel Shard of the Ancient Guardian Jewel of Shadows, that he sensed there. He encounters a fortuneteller, who is singing a very ancient, yet familiar song. The fortuneteller annoys Vahloren, up to the point were Vahloren would have given into his nature, and killed him. Vahloren shows compassion and allows the Fortuneteller to live. Also in this Episode, a young boy on the continent of Relon, in the Kingdom of Merdia, hears the same ancient song that Vahloren had recently heard. He spies a young girl in a mansion. Every night, he sneaks up to the mansion to listen to the song. Because of his actions, she dies and so does one of his brothers... There is a hidden message in this Episode, if you take the time to read it, you just may see and understand it. Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 8. The author did a pretty good job on this Episode, the plotline is pretty thick all round.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 9:58 AM PDT
New Characters, New Villians for Volume 2 ( Spoiler Alert!)
Topic: Production News
In Volume 1, 3 new characters emerge, that will appear in Volume 2. One is Erasta, the third clone of Vahloren, and Ketral's mate. The others are Twins. One is a teenage warrior girl, Telar (T'lar), the other twin is a teenage warrior guy, Teya. In Episode 23 Part 2 or 3, they first appear as children. Then in Volume 2, in Episode 27, they are teenagers bent on vengeance. They go after Sakura, becuase she is related to Vahloren, whom they thought had slaughtered their village, killing their parents and family. In Volume 2, a new Villian Emerges. He is a warrior who has been dead for 20 years.He has been resurrected by Ketral to serve her. He is extremely powerful and was considered a One Man Army. He carries a sword that was forged from the fangs and scales of a Dragon. He uses a Power Ring, and is pretty invunerable in combat. He dresses in rich clothing and also has body armor. He lives for combat and killing. Since he was dead, he carries himself with the air of doing whatever he wants, and kills anyone in his way.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 9:55 AM PDT
Wednesday, 8 June 2005
Episode 13: The Mysterious Lady In White
Topic: Official Episodes
Episode 13: The Mysterious Lady In White Description: This Episode is an all out interesting one. In the beginning of this Episode, Sakura has a Birthday Party/ Banquet, for her 7nth Birthday. She asks Lady Arien a question, a question that somehow deflates Arien's mood, making her leave the Banquet. Her Father leaves for combat at the upper borders of Laudei. Sakura receives a lot of presents (clothes, jewelry, weapons, etc. Even a Dragon Egg from her Father). Later in this Episode, Sakura searches for Arien in the Palace, to apologize, but to no avail. At night, Sakura spies Arien praying to someone. Interested, Sakura goes and investigates, only to discover that Arien is praying to the Most High God, and that she is a spy for the Aldeans. Arien spots her, and Sakura confronts her. Will Sakura learn Arien's past and secrets and not tell anyone, or will Lady Arien try to kill Sakura? Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 9. It is a very good Episode plot wise, you get to understand the deeper personalities of the characters.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 2:52 PM PDT
Episode 12:Family Treasures
Topic: Official Episodes
Episode 12: Family Treasures Description: This Episode is somewhat a long one. In the beginning, there's a Ball, held in the honor of Sakura's coming to Draconia. While at the Ball, Sakura spies two distinct individuals. One is Argus, whom is her Father's Vassal. The other is none-other than Lady Ketral, whom she saw die at the hands of Vahloren. Sakura watches her Father and Lady Arien dance. Later that night, she is visited by an Angel, who seeks her help in stealing one of her Family Heirlooms, which is an Ancient Guardian Jewel. Ketral is after the jewel as well, so Sakura helps the Angel to retrieve it. While in the maze of tunnels under the Palace, Sakura and Lady Arien hunt down the jewel. Sakura sees that something is wrong with Lady Arien. Arien turns into Ketral, and then paralyzes her. Ketral then tries to erase Sakura's memory, so she can possess her and steal the jewel. The Angel appears and protects Sakura, then fights Ketral. Will the Angel defeat Ketral, save Sakura and take back the jewel? Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this Episode a 8.5. It's a pretty good story plot wise. It explains Sakura's relationship with her Father.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 2:49 PM PDT
Episode 11:Lady Ketral; Born Out Of The Darkness
Topic: Official Episodes
Episode 11: Lady Ketral; Born Out Of The Darkness Description: This Episode is pretty short all round. This Episode starts out with one of the original Demons of Aldea, Rahlen. Rahlen ( the leader of the Dark Army) awakens the spirit of Ketral, gives her a shard of the Ancient Guardian Jewel of Shadows, and orders her to go after and kill Lord Vahloren. While this is happening, Sakura and Lady Arien arrive in Draconia. Draconis is nothing but wasteland, except for a Giant City, that spreads out for thousands of miles. It's sleek, majestic and beautiful. Sakura flies to the Palace, which is also majestic and beautiful, then meets with Draconis. There's more to Draconis then meets the eye... Grade: One a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 6. It's an all out ok Episode, however, it is very short.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 2:45 PM PDT
Offical Episode Reviews
Topic: Production News
The Official Website Reviews will be posted on the Official Episodes Thread Page. Each Week, New Reviews will be posted there. Since I don't have Episode Reviews from Episodes 1-10, they won't be available.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 2:41 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 June 2005 2:47 PM PDT
Aldean Chronicles - The Volumes
Topic: Production News
The Website Production is going as planned. I've created a page on the new website, that is dedicated just to the volumes themselves. There, you can find each Volume, each page per airing volume. Since Volume 1 is going to be airing, it will have its own webpage on the Aldean Chronicles - The Volumes webpage.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 2:39 PM PDT
Aldean Chronicles - Volume 2 Ending
Topic: Production News
Here is the Volume 2 Ending of Aldean Chronicles. It's very different from the first one. It's called Castle In The Sky, and is about ( the title says it all) a castle in the sky. This song is sung by John Mathis himself, who composed it. Castle In The Sky
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 8:42 AM PDT
Tuesday, 7 June 2005
Posting And Such
Topic: General Discussions
To Post your own thread, you will have to become a Tripod member. If you do, you can always post almost what ever you want on your thread, as long as it has to do with Aldean Chronicles and Anime in general. There are rules of course. No foul language, keep in context, no hentai or anything of that nature, just simple clean posts, be civilized people!
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 1:39 PM PDT
Sunday, 5 June 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Volume 1 Cover Art - By: Crash Metallium
Topic: Official Art
Hey Everyone, here is the official cover art for Volume 1, created by Crash Metallium! It's very good!
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 8:57 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 5 June 2005 9:02 PM PDT
Saturday, 4 June 2005
Adult Sakura; By: Succorrelle
Topic: Fan Art
Hey Everyone, here's apic of an adult version of Sakura, by Succorelle; given to be a few weeks ago. It's fan art in every way and form. Give some feedback for her.
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 7:30 AM PDT
Friday, 3 June 2005
Who is the most hot headed?
Topic: General Discussions
Out of all of the Characters of Aldean Chronicles, who seems to be the most hot headed? In my opinion, there are three characters whom seem most hot headed. 1. Erasta 2. Vahloren 3. Ayden Argadon 4. Jai Knight So, who do you think is the most hot headed, and why?
Posted by starwarsboy90
at 11:50 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 3 June 2005 3:16 PM PDT
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