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Aldean Chronicles; The Forums
Sunday, 9 October 2005
Aldean Chronicles New Theme Song
Topic: Production News
My Song

Hey Everybody,

Here's " The One Man Army's" Theme Song, composed and sung by John T. Mathis himself.Seth's theme is entitled Anger And Sorrow, it's a total attribute to him. Episode 28 is already airing, however, it will be appearing on Christian Anime Alliance, with Seth's theme downloadable, so come check it out! Also to note, we have a new Co-Author, called Japanaman, who is also a publisher. Aldean Chronicles is definitly lucky to have brand new Author, who has alot of experiance working on stories and magazines. Welcome to the Team, Japanaman!

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 1:09 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 9 October 2005 1:20 PM PDT
Wednesday, 14 September 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 25: Fellowship
Topic: Official Episodes
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 25: Fellowship

This Episode, is the turning point in the series. In This Episode, Ayden is taken to the fabled Village of Shidow, where he is placed in the care of the Priestess there, Sakura of the House of Durnmal. While Ayden is slowly healing, Sakura tries to figure out who and what the Paladin is and what she should do with him. Will Sakura and Ayden forget their differences and band together in search of the Sorceress of Shadows? Find out what happens next in Aldean Chronicles - Episode 25...

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 7:21 PM PDT
Saturday, 3 September 2005
New Episodes Airing!
Topic: Production News
Hey Everybody!

Episodes 26-30 have been finally uploaded. You can read them or download them in the Episodes section. Come check them out!

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 9:21 AM PDT
Thursday, 25 August 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 24: The Paladins Of Light
Topic: Official Episodes
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 24: The Paladins Of Light

Ketral, the Sorceress of Shadows, uses Vahloren's third and final clone, Erasta, Vahloren's Demon Heart; to attack the Paladins of Light on the Carlkaveria Continent. Erasta kills the Paladins, all except for their leader, Ayden Argadon; the Ancient Guardian of Strength And Sight. As good clashes with evil, a battle rages between the young Paladin and Shi'ado Lord. Will Ayden somehow be able to defeat the clone of Vahloren and stop Ketral's plans for Aldea's future?

Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 7. It's a good episode overall, however somewhat short. The plot is pretty good as well.

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 12:14 PM PDT
Sunday, 31 July 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Volume 1
Topic: Production News
Volume 1 Production is basically done. Volume 1; Part 1 is now available to download on the official website. You can now order Aldean Chronicles - Volume 1 on CD-ROM. The CD-Rom includes Music, Artwork Galleries, The Updated Glossary and not to mention, tons of Promotion Videos and Character Videos.

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 1:21 PM PDT
Tuesday, 26 July 2005
The Twin, Teya
Here is your first view one of the Twins, who appear in Episode 27, who also appears as a child in Episode 23.


Posted by starwarsboy90 at 1:00 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 26 July 2005 1:03 PM PDT
Adult Sakura
Topic: Official Art
Here is the first look of the Adult version of Sakura, which you meet in Episode 24; The Paladins of Light. This artwork picture is by Fallon, great job Fallon!

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 12:55 PM PDT
Monday, 25 July 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 23: The Waning Years; Part 2
Topic: Official Episodes
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 23: The Waning Years; Part 2

In this Episode, The forces of the Aldeans surround Draconis's Imperial City, Draconia. Draconis, with his followers, leaves Aldea and gives Ketral and the Dark Army dominion over Aldea. Also in this Episode, Daine, the late vassal to Lord Vahloren is in search of Gabriel Argadon, in hopes that Gabriel will help him confront the awakened Lord Vahloren, who is being controlled by Ketral. Will Daine receive Gabriel's help in time, to stop the slaughters planned by Ketral?

Grade: On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this a 9. It has really good plot and is somewhat a long episode.

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 9:42 AM PDT
Wednesday, 20 July 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 23: The Waning Years; Part 1
Topic: Official Episodes
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 23: The Waning Years: Part 1

In This Episode, Draconis wields Bane in battle against the Aldean forces, who are encrouching into the last remanants of his Empire. Also in this Episode, Sakura rescues Tav from a hungry Dragon, because of her rescue, her soul is thrown out of her body and she dream walks. She is then able to see Demons and Angels around her, in a constant battle. She must find a way back into her body, or live the rest of her existance as a wandering soul. Will Sakura be able to find her way back into her body?

Grade: On a scale of (1-10), I'd give this a 7. It is a short Episode with a real good plot line.

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 8:03 AM PDT
Sunday, 10 July 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Ayden Argadon's Theme
Topic: General Discussions
Ayden Argadon's Theme has just been completed for the turnout of the new Episodes of Aldean Chronicles. You can download it here, it will be available on the Music Section of the new website.Aldean Chronicles - Ayden Argadon's Theme

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 11:03 AM PDT
Tuesday, 5 July 2005
The New Artwork Director
Topic: General Discussions
Aldean Chronicles, now has a new Artwork Director.
Succorelle, the old Editor and Artist, has taken up the job as Artwork Director. She is in charge of all the artwork for the series, wheather it's Graphic Art, Anime or just regular artwork.

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 8:58 AM PDT
News And Gossip And Episode Reviews
Topic: General Discussions
The News And Gossip Page, and the Episode Reviews page have been taken off the old website, since they are here on the forums. Anyone who wants to see new Episode reviews or new Production News, sinply go to those sections on the forums.

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 8:55 AM PDT
Aldean Chronicles - Volume 1
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Production News
Aldean Chronicles - Volume 1 is almost completed. Soon, it will be airing in a few weeks. Volume 1 will also be available on CD-Rom, and will include a few promotional videos, music and artwork galleries, that will not be available on the web. You will be able to order Volume 1 on CD-ROM on the official website. So make your wishlist, the race is on!

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 8:46 AM PDT
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 22: A Paladin's Duty
Topic: Official Episodes
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 22: A Paladin's Duty


Gabriel Argadon has choosen to be an Guardian instead of choosing to be transformed into a regular Aldean. He has remained in Sakura's Village for a few days, and is about to leave, when a Demon who looks like Vahloren attacks the Village. Gabriel confronts this Demon (Nuliertusal), who is another of Vahloren's clones, a servant of Ketral's.
Gabriel must use all his skills to defeat this powerul Demon who represents Sin itself. Will Gabriel defeat this Demon and save Sakura and her Village?

Grade: On a scale of (1-10), I'd give this Episode a 8. This Episode has really good plot, and digs deeper into Gabriel's character and Vahloren's.

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 8:39 AM PDT
Wednesday, 29 June 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 21: The Returning Princess
Topic: Official Episodes
Aldean Chronicles - Episode 21: The Returning Princess


This Episode is about Sakura's return to her village. While traveling with Lady Arien up the mountain path that leads to her village, Sakura notices a potent demonic miasma up above her, not to mention, a Demon's presence. She also notices that Gabriel Argadon has vanished. Later in this Episode Sakura and Lady Arien battle Shi'ado and Sakura gets the ultimate understanding of how evil her Father and the Shi'ado actually are. While Sakura and Lady Arien are dealing with the Shi'ado incursion, Gabriel travels to the Carlkaveria Continent, in search of the only other Ancient Guardian on Aldea, the only other Paladin of God, Ayden Argadon. This episode introduces a new character,the leader of the Paladins of Light, Ayden Argadon.

Grade: On a scale of (1-10), I'd give it an 7. It's a pretty good episode well round, and has a very good plot line.

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 6:34 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 3 July 2005 4:26 PM PDT
Tuesday, 28 June 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Volume 2.000001: Purgatory ( Spoilor Alert!)
Topic: Production News
Production of Volume 2.00001 is complete, post production on Purgatory has begun. Production of Volume 1 has continued and will be completed as planned, on time. Episodes 26-30 will be produced at the same time as Volume 1. Purgatory is very different then the series.

In one instance, Sakura is in love with Ayden Argadon, while in the series, she just admires him.
Vahloren still has a Aldean heart, until the death of Ketral, while in the series, he gets rid of his heart by Episode 31 and becomes a full fledged Demon once again.

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 3:12 PM PDT
Wednesday, 22 June 2005
Volume 2.000001
Topic: Production News
Volume 2.000001 Production is going on schedule. Volume 2.000001 takes place in an alternate reality. It is very different from Volume 2. It's different because it's only 10 Episodes long, the volume ending at Episode 40, where Ketral is finally slain by both Sakura and Vahloren. In Volume 2 however, The Volume doesn't end at episode 40, it goes on until Episode 50-52.

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 10:37 AM PDT
Sunday, 19 June 2005
Aldean Chronicles - Volume 2.000001: Purgatory
Topic: Production News
Author Ramon Lopez has created Episodes 30-40. Since the events in these Episodes are alternate, I have decided to produce a mini-Volume that takes place in an alternate reality. An alternate reality where Erasta wasn't created, and the Paladins of Light had never been destroyed. In This Universe, all of Aldea has been swallowed in Darkness, except for Vahloren's Kingdom, The Forbidden Continent. Sakura and the Paladin and Ancient Guardian of Strength And Sight, Ayden Argadon are traveling together on a quest to destroy Ketral, while Vahloren with his new Daviant Sword completed (Dragon Spirit), battles Ketral's evil minions, making his way to Ketral, so he can confront her and wipe her evil off the face of the planet.

This mini-volume is small, only 10 episodes, each of the episodes are very short. This mini-volume is drastically different from Volume 2, which will be airing in the next few weeks or so. Also to note, Episodes 21-25 won't be airing for another 3 weeks, due to complications with production.

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 4:06 PM PDT
Thursday, 16 June 2005
Volume 2 Production
Topic: Production News
As Production of Volume 1 is continuing, the pre-production of Volume 2 Episodes 26-30 is complete. The Production of these brand new Episodes will begin shortly. Episodes 21-25 will be airing in the next two weeks or so, followed by the airing of Volume 1, the Complete remix of Episodes 1-25, plus artwork, glossaries and an updated English to Aldean Dictionary!

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 7:29 PM PDT
Bane - Demonic Sword Of Power (Spoiler Alert)
Topic: Fan Art

Out of all the sword's in Aldean Chronicles, Bane is the most powerful. It can block and absorb energy attacks and send them right back at their owners. It can metamorphose into any shape or form which it's wielder wants (Draconis, Vahloren and Sakura).

The Magic Power of Bane is seemingly impossible. Not only it can block other people's attacks and change form and shape, it can also create powerful attacks to send at it's wielder's enemies, by drawing on the wielder's own demonic energies and using them to attack with the assailiants weakness.

Bane was forged from Draconis's own fangs, claws and scales when he was in his prime. If Vahloren forged his own sword (which he does in the Episodes after 30), how powerful do you think it will be?

Posted by starwarsboy90 at 7:25 PM PDT

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